Going Concern Valuation: Relevance, Methods, and Future

Going concern valuation
Financial Modeling and Analysis

Going concern valuation refers to the valuation of a business where it is presumed that it will continue to last for several years and bring profit. It can also be referred to as the total value of the company. The experts have to consider all the factors that might affect either externally or internally while estimating this value. It includes aspects of the operating efficiency of the firm, market share, financial position, and factors affecting the market price amongst others. The estimation of this value will involve all the tangible as well as intangible assets of the firm such as goodwill, trademarks, brand name, brand value, and patent amongst others. It is, therefore, important to ensure an accurate estimate of the value of the firm assuming it is a going concern.

Going concern valuation

What is the Importance of Continuity Valuation?

Going concern valuation is necessary for many reasons. These factors should be considered by the professionals while arriving at an appropriate valuation. This valuation is key to conducting the estimate of the company as if it would remain functional in times to come.

Few of the significant reasons this valuation is crucial are:


  1. Correct Valuation: This type of valuation gives the right valuation. It takes care of all the tangible and intangible assets of a company and gives correct valuation.

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  1. Build Trust: Continuity valuation from the potential investor that he is giving way for building trust on the company. This type of valuation helps investors to be informed on a company’s longevity, and thus they get to make proper decisions on investments.


  1. Financial Reporting: Financial reporting is also one of the most significant aspects that get completed by this valuation. After the completion of valuing the company, proper financial reports can be generated by professionals. Financial reports are important for investors in making decisions.

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  1. Strategic Planning: The professionals can direct their vision towards strategic planning and thereby come up with such plans that go hand in hand with the goals and objectives of stakeholders pertaining to financial planning. These may involve luring in investments, mergers, or acquisitions.

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  1. Align Stakeholders: Professionals shall align stakeholders with financial and strategic plans of the company; this shall make the professionals aware of the needs and expectations of the stakeholders and align towards the fulfillment of the objectives of the stakeholders.


  1. Estimate Purchase Price: The professionals could estimate the purchase price based on this type of valuation. It is important to fairly estimate value to ensure a correct purchase price.


  1. Forecast Cash Flow: The experts will have to forecast the future cash flow of the company to assess its profitability and also analyze its financial performance along with its market position.


  1. Sustainable Growth: Such valuation would help the company to realize sustainable growth. Professionals can evaluate the scope provided for growth by considering all types of assets, market position, operational efficiencies, etc., which would further help the company grow and bring up increased efficiencies.


  1. Risk Management: The experts can assess potential risks and uncertainties and come out with effective strategies to avoid such risks or reduce the impact. It typically involves risk identification and mitigation in order to protect the financial health of the company.


  1. Investment Management: In some instances, the professionals may be involved in managing portfolio investments on behalf of the company and providing relevant financial information to the shareholder or interested parties that would be instrumental in investment, merger, or acquisition decisions.


These are some of the main reasons why continuity valuation is considered significant. The values they should focus on in the process of valuation are strategic planning, financial planning, investment management, portfolio management, building trust of the investors, transparency, the estimation of the purchase price, predicting the flows of cash, and aiming towards the growth of the firm that is sustainable. These will be some of the main factors that professionals should consider, and it will arrive at a value of continuity that is free from error.

What are the Limitations of Going Concern Valuation?

There are certain limitations or problems with this valuation that have to be managed by the professionals. The professionals must be able to identify these problems and make effective strategies to manage them to maintain the financial efficiency of the company.

Some of the main challenges or problems of this type of valuation are:


  1. Issues of Transparency: The professionals have to maintain transparency between stakeholders. All significant information regarding the financial aspects of the company should be disclosed to them and kept in the loop regarding the process of its valuation.


  1. Fluctuations in the Market: Another challenge to this valuation process is market fluctuations. With various trends, the value of the assets becomes subjective and combined with these fluctuations may lead to incorrect valuation. The professionals have to be aware of these subjective values and ensure that they reach an accurate valuation.


  1. Unreliable Financial Reports: The professionals should ensure that the financial reports they have generated are reliable enough to assist investors in making decisions based on those reports. They should provide all the significant information about the company’s financial health to help them make mindful decisions.


  1. Resource Allocation: The price tagged by this type of valuation may lead to incorrect resource allocation. The professionals may not be able to assess the resources which will be needed for businesses to carry out its operation in the long run.


  1. Market Understanding: The professionals should have a great understanding of the market to estimate the purchase price based on the market situation. In essence, market understanding is required for reaching an accurate purchase price and carrying on with the process of other business operations.


  1. Changes in Compliance: Regulatory compliance keeps changing from time to time. The professionals need to catch up with these rules and regulations and follow the same to keep up the overall financial health.


  1. Legal Laws: These are numerous legal laws which professionals need to be aware of and manage to hold the overall financial health of the company. They should be able to follow these laws in order not to fall into any legal disparities in the future.


  1. Misleading the Investors: All the professionals must make sure that the information provided to the potential investors and clients has to be appropriate and reliable. They should not be deceived, and should be efficient enough in making certain decisions pertaining to their investments, merger, and acquisitions.


  1. Poor Valuation Tools: The practitioners are made to use extremely poor tools to carry out the process of continuity valuation. They must make sure to make the most out of these available tools and come up with the right valuation to produce appropriate financial reports.


  1. Overpriced Values: It should neither be too expensive nor too low. The experts must set a realistic value on the goal so that the further business functions take place efficiently.


These are some of the major challenges or problems faced by professionals while carrying out the going concern valuation process. They must be capable enough to identify such problems and draw effective strategies to mitigate them or reduce the impact of such problems on the final valuation.

What are the Common Methods of Continuity Valuation?

There are numerous methods in which these professionals can carry out the process of this valuation. They should be aware as to how to use these methods so that their ultimate valuation is appropriate. They have to choose as to which method fits best and complete the process of valuation using it.

Some of the most commonly applied methods of valuation are as follows:


  1. Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Analysis: Under this approach, experts would need to estimate the future cash flows and discount them back to the present value using a discount rate. To ensure efficiency and accuracy in the final valuation, they must be able to predict the cash flow correctly.


  1. Comparable Company Analysis (CCA): The professionals estimate the value of the company under this approach by comparing the same with other companies belonging to the same industry. This approach has been considered for the estimation of the value of the company more precisely by considering prices prevailing in the market.


  1. Market Capitalization: This too is one of the most prominent ways of valuing a going concern. This approach is utilized in arriving at the estimate by multiplying the firm’s share price by the number of shares outstanding.


  1. Precedent Transactions: The professionals have to compare the transactions in the industry to arrive at the correct valuation. In this valuation method, professionals have to compare companies to estimate the going concern valuation.


  1. Book Value: The book value method is also a method for carrying out the process of valuation. This mainly comprises the value of the stakeholders’ equity, and it is mentioned on the balance sheet of the company.


Some of the most commonly adopted techniques employed in estimating the going concern valuation include these. The professionals should be aware of the best-suited method in carrying out the process of valuation. Selection of the method that can guarantee accurate valuation is vital, which can help professions in making reliable financial reports in helping investors in their decisions.

What are the Major Approaches to Be Followed for Going Concern Valuation?

Mainly there are three significant approaches which the professionals follow in order to reach an appropriate valuation. The most appropriate approach must be selected by the professional according to the type of business and it should be followed.

These significant approaches can be defined as:


  1. The Market Approach: This technique considers the value of existing assets together with financial statements and projects future profitability based on estimates. This is a very important technique because it covers all the assets and allows professionals to predict the future financial health and position that the company may result in.


  1. The Income Approach: The going concern valuation also follows an income approach. The going concern value under this approach takes into consideration the income generating capability of the company. The income approach has its basis on specific assumptions that a professional makes about future cash flows of the company.


  1. The Cost Approach: It provides an appropriate value for the current assets of the company by considering the current market costs and fluctuating economic conditions. Thus, it ensures that the valuation is correct enough to base the future business decisions on it.


These are the three major approaches employed in continuity valuation. The professionals should know these approaches and apply them when needed. This would ensure that the correct valuation is done and the inventors shall make appropriate decisions for investments, mergers, and acquisition purposes.

What is Going to be the Future of Going Concern Valuation?

Future going concern or continuity valuations are going to be influenced by a few factors. These are the factors that need to be implemented by the professionals for enhancing efficiency in the valuation process. The key trends will be crucial to be followed by the professionals to increase accuracy in the final valuation.

A few most common factors which would influence the future of going concern valuation are:


  1. Artificial Intelligence: One of the major changes in technological advancement in future developments will include AI. The valuers have to combine the available technology with AI techniques in order to facilitate the effective and efficient process of valuation. This will help professionals in managing complex data for the analysis and generation of reliable financial reports.


  1. Automation: The automation of tasks is another major trend that will enhance the process of valuation. The professionals can automate certain tasks to get more time for other significant aspects. Automation also helps in minimizing the chances of making a human error and maintaining financial efficiency of the company.


  1. Improved Risk Management: The experts are to find out the different risks that could prevail and develop efficient techniques for reducing their impacts. The future of this valuation is going to involve better risk assessment tools so that there is no involvement of risks and uncertainties and the financial efficiency and health can be maintained accordingly.


  1. Better Valuation Tools: The professionals need to engage in certain better valuation methods for estimating this valuation. They have to ensure that the business’s valuation is rightly conducted so that they can prepare financial reports from it accurately.


  1. Effective Financial Reporting: The practitioners in the upcoming future will focus more on effective financial reporting. The investors will base their decisions concerning mergers, acquisitions, or investments in the companies through the financial reports of those companies.


  1. Personalized Services: In the future, the professionals shall provide customized services to the company that will help in maintaining the financial efficiency of the company and also help the company in the development of functioning of its business operations. These kinds of services will help them up their game and ensure proper business valuation.


These are some of the major factors that are going to shape the future of continuity valuation. The practitioners would need to automate certain activities, link up the existing technology with Artificial Intelligence, employ better tools for valuation and risk assessment, and improve the process of financial reporting. This would facilitate the professional in making better decisions and striving towards correct valuation.


Therefore, from this, it can be concluded that going concern valuation is one of the crucial company valuations. There can be various methods using which the professionals can arrive at an appropriate valuation. The methods can be DCF Analysis, Comparable Company Analysis, Asset-Based Valuation, Book Value method, Precedent Transactions, and Market Capitalization. These are some of the major methods using which professionals perform this valuation process. Estimation of the company’s value, in case it were to go on forever, is a very serious matter in strategic planning, financial analysis, efficient financial reporting, resource allocation, investment management, risk management, cash flow prediction, gaining investor confidence, maintaining transparency, etc. These are some of the major benefits accorded by the process of valuation. There are several challenges tagged to this process, which may come in the form of market fluctuation and economic conditions, subjective values, poor valuation tools, ineffective risk management, misleading investors, changes in regulatory compliance requirements, lack of transparency towards stakeholders amongst others. Professionals have to identify these and devise effective strategies to minimize their effects. Accordingly, professionals should ensure that such valuation by the use of the three main approaches coincides with the interests of the stakeholders in a manner that will ensure accuracy and efficiency in the process. Such valuation in the future will be influenced by Artificial Intelligence, automation of tasks, superior risk assessment tools, efficient valuation tools, among other technological advancements and techniques. These new-age technologies will have to be put into practice by the professionals to enhance their efficiencies and maximize the probabilities of an accurate valuation.


  1. What are the limitations of continuity valuation?

This kind of valuation is done keeping in mind that the company will go on forever. This valuation comprises all the tangible and intangible assets of the company. There are certain limitations or problems of this valuation which professionals have to be mindful of.

Some of these limitations can be defined as:


  • Fluctuations in the market
  • Lack of transparency 
  • Lack of trust by investors
  • Inadequate valuation tools
  • Defective risk management
  • Subjective values
  • Variations in regulatory compliance
  • Over-inflated values
  • Poor knowledge of the market
  • Incorrect deployment of resources


  1. What is the purpose of going concern valuation?

This type of valuation is generally used so that a business enterprise can make strategic plans for the future. In that case, the professionals have to make an estimation of the value of the company by considering both tangible as well as intangible assets. Such valuation mainly focuses on projecting the future cash flows of the firm and ascertaining the profitability of the entity. Thereby, the practitioners have to prepare various financial reports so that investors can make good decisions about their investment, merger, and acquisition.


  1. What are the factors that will influence the future of continuity valuation?

A number of factors would shape the future of continuity valuation. There are some of the trendy keys that the professional needs to adopt for improving the process of valuation.

Some of the main factors can be defined as:


  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Automation of tasks
  • Better risk assessment tools
  • Effective valuation tools
  • Personalized services
  • Improved data analytics

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